DEVIN TOWNSEND: 'Ziltoid The Omniscient' E-Card Available
May 31, 2007An e-card for STRAPPING YOUNG LAD mastermind Devin Townsend's upcoming solo album, entitled "Ziltoid the Omniscient", can be accessed at this location. Due in the U.S. on June 5 via Inside Out Music America, "Ziltoid the Omniscient" was recorded completely by Devin, who took care of the singing, guitar, bass, synthesizers and sampling duties, in addition to mixing and producing the album on his own. Devin has stated on the HevyDevy forums that he used "the drumkit from Hell" on this release — the same kit that was previously utilized by MESHUGGAH on "Catch Thirty-Three" and which was developed by MESHUGGAH's Tomas Haake. Check out the cover artwork at this location (art created by Travis Smith).
With regards to the album's storyline, Devin's wife Tracy stated in a previous HevyDevy newsletter, "The story as follows (without revealing too much): Ziltoid The Omniscient, a four-dimensional alien has come to earth and is currently hovering five miles above Qatar. Beaming messages to the earth, including video, music, and words, His Omniscient-ness has one dimension up on us humans, allowing him control over time. But, in order to bend time he requires the perfect fuel — BLACK COFFEE — found in abundance on only one planet in the omniverse... Earth. He plays guitar and sings, is moody and a bit sensitive, with his first record due in late June. Surrounded by nymphs and prancing plasma beings, the album was produced by Devin Townsend in the hangar of the Ziltoidian space barge. All hail Ziltoid and his Infinity metal! Prepare your finest brew! Ziltoid doesn't want to destroy the earth now...he just wants to be known as the best guitar player and get lots of chicks."
Devin and his wife Tracy welcomed their first child, a boy named Reyner, on October 4, 2006.