EDGUY: 'Superheroes' CD And DVD Detailed

June 4, 2005

EDGUY frontman Tobias Sammet has posted the following message on the group's official web site:

"Hey, fellows, don't forget about the EP and the DVD to come out on September 5th. They are called 'Superheroes' and 'Superheroes – The DVD'. The title track will be the same on both, but the rest of the material of the CD will NOT stand on the DVD and vice versa. They are two completely different releases, so NO RIP-OFF ;)!!! On the CD you will have six first-class songs, also exclusively featuring some of my AVANTASIA friends on vocals, as it seems. Stuff sounds great. The title track, 'Superheroes', is a groovy mid-tempo song with a killer hookline in the chorus. Our producer, Sascha Paeth, added some new sound elements to that song. But hold your breath: I mean in a good way! Powerful and fresh and up-to-date, if you can say that! I liked it, I am already 27 and still single, so this may help me to get married, or — worst case — just laid, at least! Just kidding. ;) It's a good song, one of the few that isn't too heavy, and adds some new flavour to our sound. Just like 'Holy Water' two years ago. Then we got a song called 'Judas at the Opera', it's a long epic song with choirs, orchestral elements, tempo changes from fast to slow and majestic anthemic melodies. I am really amazed of how diversified we sound in 2005. Later on we will let you know about how we record this time. You wouldn't believe — many bands are proud about how many months they record, we can brag that we recorded the basics live — all at the same time! I know, you may think that's usually the case. Well, in 1968 it was, now we got the age of auto tune, when every tone-deaf crow can become a teenage idol! And we do our shit live in the studio and just spice it up with third and forth guitar tracks, replace a few fuck-ups and add vocals and keyboards. It's so groovy, sounds so 'real' and powerful.

"On the DVD there's gonna be the video for 'Superheroes', this will be the most hilarious piece of a music film ever done since TWISTED SISTER's old clips. You wouldn't believe how much money we 'waste' on it, just to have so much fun. And if you think music and humor don't go together, don't even dare to watch it, haha!

"'Superheroes – The DVD' is gonna be a special item. As it will be a kind of DVD-EP, we talked our record label into releasing it at a very special nice price at first. So if the stores sell it for 20 Euros, give 'em the finger (Although it would be worth it!) ;) Or just steal it. But don't burn it please. I just had a car accident, need a new car maybe! ;) Anyway, the DVD will contain the clip in 5.1 sound, then a few tracks live in Brazil (12 cameras, 5.1 sound),an extensive studio report (we got camera people sneaking around in the studio all the time),interview stuff, a making-of-the-video-clip and a tour documentary. Let's see what else. And always keep in mind: Both, DVD and CD will be available at a very special price, if not — burn your record store (Just kidding! Don't do, they'd call it incitement to vandalism!). But don't let them cheat you!

"Meanwhile check the tour dates for new dates this summer, we may be somewhere around.

"Have a nice day and cheeerz from the studio, Tobi!"

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