Ex-CRIMSON GLORY Singer MIDNIGHT Is 'Descending Into Madness'

December 19, 2007

A three-and-a-half-minute video clip detailing former CRIMSON GLORY singer Midnight's (real name: John Patrick McDonald Jr.) plans for his second solo album, "Descending into Madness", can be viewed below.

At this point, Midnight has written roughly 30 songs to be considered for the "Descending into Madness" project, which also includes video clips and behind-the-scenes footage of the making of the album. Some songs have been completely recorded, while others are still being worked on and fine-tuned. Midnight has been taking his time, making sure everything is right with this new release, and that it is a proper version of his vision. It's been a long time coming, but when it finally arrives, the listeners will be in for a magical journey only Midnight's brilliant but strange mind can provide.

Commented Midnight: "We had to postpone our Texas trip back in July. We felt in light of the new additions to the band and the necessity to complete the new record that the trip to Texas would prove to be too big of a distraction. So, for the past few months we have spent many hours rehearsing and writing new songs. In the last few weeks the band has finally started working on putting a live set together. The plan is to start doing live shows early in 2008."

Midnight recently announced plans to join forces with current CRIMSON GLORY vocalist Wade Black on several upcoming projects.

Wade has stated that he will sing on Midnight's upcoming MIDNIGHT BAND "M2" album. Black has also revealed that Midnight will perform a series of acoustic shows and that he will join Midnight on stage for several songs. They will also perform together with their solo bands, MIDNIGHT BAND and DISASTERPEACE.

Wade Black returned to front CRIMSON GLORY in January after Midnight was arrested in Sarasota, Florida and charged with DUI (driving under the influence),according to a police report.

Black sang on CRIMSON GLORY's 1999 "comeback" CD, "Astronomica".

Commented Midnight, "On Saturday night September 29, 2007 at Bourbon Street night club in New Port Richey, Florida I was attending the JON OLIVA'S PAIN, BLACK REIGN, DOCTRINE show. On this night I met an old friend I've never met... The infamous Wade Black! As we both predicted, it was like we had known each other forever. It was truly a wonderful evening. Crouching against the wall outside the venue in the near-full moonlight, Wade and I talked for an hour or so. He is truly a beautiful spirit and the new best friend I knew he would be."

Midnight has many more things in the works, including "Crimson Acoustic", "Covers Album", "Sakada" (uncut) and "M" (re-release),and a possible live set from one of the upcoming "Descending into Madness" live shows.

Video footage of former Midnight playing a new song idea called "Little Aquafina" at drummer Lee Harrison's (MONSTROSITY) house in Tampa, Florida in October 2007 can be viewed below.

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