GENE SIMMONS Was Once Paid Millions Of Dollars By A Royal Family To Speak For An Hour

January 5, 2019

U.K.'s This Is Money web site recently conducted an interview with KISS bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons. Asked if he has ever struggled to make ends meet, Gene said: "No. I have never lived above my means. I washed dishes and picked up garbage, but I never struggled to make ends meet. If I was down and out, I never knew it at the time. I always had a job and could pay my way."

Simmons also spoke about an instance when he was paid "silly money." He said: "There was a royal event I had to speak at for an hour and they paid me millions of pounds. It is not proper to say which royal family it was, but they just wanted me there. God knows why. I did not even perform, I just spoke."

Asked what his biggest money mistake was, Simmons said: "The biggest was lending $400,000 to someone I thought was a friend. I never saw that money again."

Gene also revealed that 2016 was the best year of his financial life. "I made millions of pounds, but I have made millions every year for more than 40 years," he said.

Read the entire interview at This Is Money.

Back in 2017, Simmons said that taking breaks from work is the biggest thing holding people back from becoming rich and achieving their career goals.

"It's too easy to sit back," he told"CNBC Make It". "We like to binge watch TV."

Simmons said that most people live in an "entitlement area" in which they want to enjoy the perks of being rich but don't want to put in the work that it takes to get there.

"You take two days off every week and do nothing, if you even have a job," he said. "Times 52 weeks is 104 days."

That doesn't even include the time you take off for holidays and vacations, which are generally spent shopping and gossiping, he said. That lost time could be better spent making money.

In September, KISS announced its "End Of The Road" farewell tour on NBC's "America's Got Talent", and a month later, the band revealed the first set of dates and cities in North America, produced by Live Nation. International markets were announced simultaneously.

The first North American leg of "End Of The Road" will launch January 31 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada at Rogers Arena and will hit an additional 43 cities.

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