JOB FOR A COWBOY Confirms Guitarist Split, Prepares To Enter Studio
December 13, 2008Vocalist Jonny Davy of Arizona extreme metallers JOB FOR A COWBOY was recently interviewed by Way Too Loud! A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.
Way Too Loud!: You're working on a new album. Can you tell me what stage your in right now?
Jonny Davy: We have half the record, and after this we're going to try and piece it all together. We hit the studio on February 20th, and the record should be out in July.
Way Too Loud!: Do you have a producer planned?
Jonny Davy: We actually did some demo tracks with Jason Suecof. It's an awesome vibe, so we can't wait to do an actual record with him.
Way Too Loud!: Are you hearing any differences between your new material, and the material from your first full-length?
Jonny Davy: I think the new record has a bit of an old-school touch. I guess I should bring it up, we have a new guitar player, Al [Glassman, ex-DESPISED ICON]. It'll definitely sound quite a bit different.
Way Too Loud!: So Ravi [Bhadriraju] left to go back to school?
Jonny Davy: He pretty much went back to school. It's kind of standard at that age. He just didn't feel like he had much more to do in the band, so now he's going back to school. It wasn't a big deal. He told us one day, and we thought it was understandable, and we're still friends with him, no falling out or anything.
Way Too Loud!: Is it to be a doctor, or doing something in the medical field?
Jonny Davy: Yeah, I think he is going back to school for something medical, but I don't think he's actually decided what he wants to do yet.
Way Too Loud!: How do you feel bout the backlash now?
Jonny Davy: Elitists are out there, and they will always be out there. There's nothing you can really do about it, especially with us. If we're getting attacked, especially with us. With elitists, they have their underground thing that nobody else has, and when we kind of break out of that barrier, they kind of freak out about it, that other people catch on to their music that they don't want anyone else to know about. It makes sense. If I wasn't in a band, I wouldn't understand it that well, and I'd be the exact same way, so knowing that position, I completely get it now. There's nothing we can really do, because people are always going to hate you the more you get bigger. It happens with any band. You just kind of have to deal with it. But the more people that hate you, the more they'll spread the word about your band, the more it'll progress and get bigger. It's a vicious circle for them, and probably helps us out in the end.
Way Too Loud!: Do people have a lot of misconceptions about how big you are? I'm sure most people assume you're touring in a bus.
Jonny Davy: We're in a van, making ends meet. I think a lot of kids think that as soon as you get signed, everything works out. Basically when you get signed, nothing really changes. They help put out your record, and that's about it. I know though! We get shit! It's not much of a rock star life, but it is really fun, and I can't complain. It's still an awesome job. I don't have to have another job at home right now. It's not much of a rock star life as people would like to assume.
You can read the rest of the interview at Way Too Loud!
Metal Mark from SkullsNBones.com conducted an interview with Arizona-based extreme metallers JOB FOR A COWBOY on December 6, 2008 prior to the band's concert in Atlanta, Georgia. The four-minute clip, which includes performance footage, can be viewed below.