KORN's BRIAN 'HEAD' WELCH: 'God Was Forming Christ In Me'

September 2, 2016

KORN guitarist Brian "Head" Welch was interviewed on a recent edition of "The 700 Club", Christian Broadcasting Network's flagship program. You can now watch the segment below.

Asked what he thought needed to happen before he could return to KORN eight years after first leaving the band, Welch said: "God was forming Christ in me. He was using all the pressures and difficulties. We do our best, but He does it supernaturally. And if we let Him through trial, we become stronger. By humbling me, He can build me back up, and when He built me back up, I was strong enough, and He said, 'You're ready. Go.'"

Regarding what his mission is now while he is a member of KORN, Welch said: "I want as many people as possible, for their spiritual eyes to open so they can see that God is real and that He loves unconditionally. And all this wounding in this up-and-down life that we live in as we walk towards our day that we have to eventually die, all of us, that He's right there and He is a resurrection in life. We can experience that resurrection in life on this side of eternity, now. You get to know and walk with the person who is raised from the dead now; you walk with them in life. And I want those people to get this, 'cause that's where the adventure comes, you know; you're walking with them."

Welch left KORN in early 2005, at the same time announcing that he kicked his addictions to drugs and alcohol by becoming a born-again Christian.

He said a while back that despite having money and fame, he was never truly happy. "I thought I had everything, you know," he said. "I had money — money was pouring in. Women. And money, to me, money was everything. But through the years, it just, I found that it's nothing actually, because money can't buy happiness. Happiness just comes from one place, and that's the Lord."

KORN's new album, "The Serenity Of Suffering", which will be released on October 21. The follow-up to 2013's "The Paradigm Shift" was helmed by Grammy Award-winning producer Nick Raskulinecz, who has previously worked with FOO FIGHTERS, DEFTONES, MASTODON and RUSH, among others. The CD features a guest appearance by SLIPKNOT frontman Corey Taylor on the song "A Different World".

"The Serenity Of Suffering" marks the band's return to Roadrunner, which previously released 2010's "Korn III - Remember Who You Are" and 2011's "The Path Of Totality".

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