Legendary Drummer GENE HOGLAN Issues Update

January 22, 2009

Legendary drummer Gene Hoglan (STRAPPING YOUNG LAD, TESTAMENT, DARK ANGEL, DEATH, DETHKLOK, MELDRUM) has issued the following update:

"It's been a while since I've scribbled anything, but frankly, I just haven't felt all that witty over the past few months. I do like these things to be reasonably entertaining, and I just haven't been feeling it in the written form of late. On that same token, I have been neglecting quite a lot of the news that has been happening around here, which is why I'd like to at least fire off a quick blurb, to catch-up those who are interested in what's going on with me currently.

"I would like to extend my gratitude to all those who've expressed their well-wishes at the passing of Michelle [Meldrum; late MELDRUM, PHANTOM BLUE guitarist], and also, of my Mom. I won't go too much into detail here about what's up with the MELDRUM stuff, 'cause that's quite a chronicle of its own which I will get to in the coming weeks, but the album is turning out really amazing. We're shopping it at the moment, and I can see it's going to be an uphill battle to find it a home, but I know it will end up in the best hands possible, even if it is back in our own.

"As for my Mom, I've just kept that one real quiet, I just haven't felt like talking about that at all. But myself and my family thank all who have reached out. Even though it's a real short list.

"Last year had it's great moments too, don't get me wrong. Tracking the MELDRUM album, my time spent with FORBIDDEN, the DETHKLOK tour (by the way, I just finished my tracks for the new DETHKLOK [album], and let me tell ya, I'm super-psyched!),the PITCH BLACK FORECAST release, the Australian clinic tour, whatever ZIMMERS HOLE stuff we got to do, etc. I know I'm forgetting tons. Oh, my new Reference Kit from Pearl!

"One of the shining jewels in the crown, for me, is the release of the brand new MECHANISM, 'Inspired Horrific'. The title is a pretty good summation. After STRAPPING, this has been my main baby, and I highly encourage everyone to check it out. Man, I am as into this as anything I've ever been a part of. I would venture so far to say that the album has the craziest drumming I've ever done, and the tunes are some absolute next-level action as well. You can check out our MySpace page, where you'll see me playing a few of our tunes at a recent clinic in Vancouver, and it'll also tell you how to order it. I had the pleasure of showcasing a few numbers every night on my Austrailian clinic tour of last year, as I also showcase five of them on my upcoming DVD, 'The Atomic Clock'.

"Upcoming DVD, you say, Gene? Many of you are out there saying, 'I call BULLSHIT on that one, you jerk! I don't believe you, Hoglan! DVD, my ASS!' And I don't blame you, really.

"As I've said a few times before, I just haven't been in that big a hurry to get it out. I wanted its release to coincide as much as it could with the release of the MECHANISM album. And now those jerks in MECHANISM went and got the album completed and released right under my nose, so now I have no choice but to hustle up. I know it seems like I've just up and forgotten about it, but believe me, that's not the case. Priorities have just been forcibly shifted elsewhere over the past year, and now I've a little time to devote to its completion. Which, although there's so little to do to complete it, just a couple tiny cosmetic things which I hope to tend to soon, it's still time-consuming. Looks like I better get the minions here at Hoglan Industries crackin', or else I'm gonna have to hand out some forced sterilizations around here. By kicking some nuts in. Starting with my own, I guess. Damn, I was sorta attached to those things.

"You know what? Writing this wasn't so bad. Thank you for listening."

Video footage of Gene Hoglan laying down tracks for the new MELDRUM album can be viewed below.

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