MONSTER MAGNET: Australian 'Dopes To Infinity' Tour Canceled

September 2, 2011

MONSTER MAGNET's "Dopes To Infinity" tour of Australia, which was scheduled to kick off in Perth next weekend, has been canceled. The trek, which was supposed to see the band playing its classic 1995 album "Dopes To Infinity" in its entirety, will now "visit Australia at a more appropriate time."

The official statement from tour promoters, Live Nation: "Due to several unforeseen factors beyond our control, we regret to advise that the MONSTER MAGNET 'Dopes To Infinity' tour has been cancelled. A number of circumstances have conspired to form the perfect storm and we are disappointed that this planned tour has been a casualty. The MONSTER MAGNET 'Dopes' tour will visit Australia at a more appropriate time. We appreciate your continued support."

In a recent interview with Australia's Loud magazine, MONSTER MAGNET mainman Dave Wyndorf stated about the band's decision to perform "Dopes To Infinity" in its entirety, "I've been watching people do this album routine where they play an album and I've always been interested because if I was a kid, I'd think that was the coolest fucking thing ever, to see a band do an entire album in sequence. You kinda want to do that. I finally talked to some people that I know who have done that I talked to Mark Arm from MUDHONEY, I talked to Josh [Homme] from QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE and they said how much fun they had doing it. I said, 'Alright, we're going in, we're doing it.'

"I picked 'Dopes' because 'Dopes' is not our biggest-selling record but it's not our smallest-selling record either. It leaves me a chance to do the biggest seller again if it's successful. I could go up to 'Powertrip', which is the biggest-selling record, or I could go down to total undergroundsville, which is 'Spine Of God', 'Superjudge' and stuff like that. So this seemed a good place to start."

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