MOTÖRHEAD Snaggletooth Cider Now Available In Sweden

December 3, 2015

Only MOTÖRHEAD could name a premium cider Snaggletooth. Created in tribute to and in celebration of loudest rock music on the planet, it is now available in Sweden from Systembolaget.

This unique sweetened dry British apple cider is crafted with a juice blend of the finest Dabinet, Michelin and dessert apple varieties to give a perfectly balanced, refreshing taste. The Snaggletooth MOTÖRHEAD cider packs a real punch. It is suitable for vegetarians, vegans and coeliacs.

MOTÖRHEAD has previously launched band-themed beer, wine, vodka and whisky.

The band's frontman, Lemmy, told The Guardian earlier in the year that he has changed his lifestyle by swapping from Jack and Coke to vodka and orange, apparently to help with his diabetes. "I like orange juice better," he said. "So, Coca-Cola can fuck off."

MOTÖRHEAD manager Todd Singerman told Decibel magazine in a 2014 interview: "[Lemmy has] been trying to substitute it with wine. That was the compromise with the doctors: trade the Jack for the wine. He thinks wine's better than Jack, but it's still got tons of sugar. He doesn't tell them he's drinking two fucking bottles either. These are the battles we're up against. He doesn't grasp that he’s just trading one demon for the other."



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