NACHTMYSTIUM Confirmed For Norway's INFERNO Festival

November 2, 2009

Illinois-based extreme metallers NACHTMYSTIUM have been confirmed for next year's installment of the Inferno festival, set to take place March 31 - April 3, 2010 in Oslo, Norway.

The festival billing is shaping up as follows:


More bands will be announced soon.

Few Norwegian music festivals can equal the international status that the Inferno festival now holds. The festival, voted as one of the 10 best in the world by the readers of Terrorizer magazine, continues to grow and is considered the Norwegian metal community's most important gathering.

For four days during Easter, people fly in from England, Sweden, Germany, Italy, the USA and even India to experience extreme metal in Norway's capital.

The festival was started in 2001 by BORKNAGAR guitarist Jens Ryland who wanted the Norwegian metal community to come together for a celebration of extreme music.

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