PAPA ROACH Drummer Checks Into Rehab

April 30, 2007

Launch Radio Networks reports: PAPA ROACH drummer Dave Buckner is not on the road with the band at the moment due to what a press release called "personal matters," and singer Jacoby Shaddix checked in to give Launch the straight story. "Dave, he went to rehab and went to go clean his act up 'cause he was out of his f***ing mind," Shaddix explained. "We were kind of tripping for a minute, but we were like, 'You know what? The best thing is for our friend to just get healthy, you know, get right.'My boy D-Boy's just gotta do a little soul-searching, you know? 'Cause I've been through that same s*** myself, and I've been down that road and that whole nine and it's like, you know, I know how miserable you could get."

Until Buckner returns in June, PAPA ROACH has recruited UNWRITTEN LAW drummer Tony Palermo to fill in. Shaddix told Launch how it felt to have someone different behind the kit. "It was really kind of like scary, 'cause I mean, you know, drummer, it's like every drummer's a little bit different, you know," he said. "But this guy came in and just, he's been ripping it every night. So it's been kind of interesting, it's been different, but it's been really fun."

PAPA ROACH is on the Door to Dorm Tour with HINDER and plays Tuesday night (May 1) at the University of South Carolina in Aiken.

Shaddix also said that following a trip to Europe in June, PAPA ROACH will go out with HINDER and BUCKCHERRY on a two-month U.S. tour beginning in July.

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