THE OLD DEAD TREE: New Album Title Announced

June 19, 2007

French goth metal act THE OLD DEAD TREE has set "The Water Fields" as the title of its third album, due before the end of the year via Season of Mist. The band will enter Stage One studio in Germany on July 3 with producer Andy Classen to begin recording the CD. According to a press release, the new album's subject matter "deals with an imaginary place where one finds refuge to escape from pain and everyday doubt. This album is about avoidance, kidding oneself, and the urge we have to hide from reality and to remain passive when we are on tenterhooks."

THE OLD DEAD TREE previously described the new material as "a twisted and schizophrenic blend of evocative riffs and arrangements put together with an overload of sheer emotion. The new songs do widen the previous artistic borders without disavowing the typical musical identity of the band."

THE OLD DEAD TREE's last album, "The Perpetual Motion", was released in 2005 via Season of Mist. The follow-up to 2003's "The Nameless Disease" was recorded at Stage One studio with Andy Classen.

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