THE RED CHORD Parts Ways With Guitarist, Seeks Replacement

February 15, 2007

Massachusetts-based metal/grind band THE RED CHORD is seeking a new second guitarist following the departure of Jonny Fay.

Commented the group: "We will be auditioning guitar players during February and March. Tablature files have been prepared for the song 'Black Santa'. Those interested should make a video or audio recording of themselves playing the song.

"We are looking for someone diverse in their abilities as a guitar player who is willing to be on the road 8-10 months out of the year. Touring experience is a must. Get in touch with us at or through

"Jonny Fay will be contributing to the writing of our next record and recording it with us. We are going to miss having him in the band and we wish him all the best."

In regards to his departure, Fay had this to say: "This was not an easy decision to make. I have loved every second of my time in this band, and I will miss it dearly. However, as long as I have been involved in music my true passion has been recording, and I feel that the time has come for me to give it my undivided attention. I have opened a recording studio in Milford, NH, and will be devoting my time to recording and producing bands and musicians, locally and nationally. This has been an incredible experience, and I will continue to support THE RED CHORD and help them in any way that I can in the future.

"I want to thank all of the friends I have made along the way, and all the fans that have given us support during my time with the band. Most of all, I want to thank Greg, Mike, Guy and Brad for being great friends and helping make the past year and a half truly amazing. Thanks once more to everyone — no one will be forgotten."

Jonny Fay recently opened Backyard Studios in Milford, NH. To contact him and/or get more information about the studio, you may e-mail him at or go to this location.

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