U.K. Journalist: Music Will Be Lesser Without PETER STEELE's Impact
April 15, 2010U.K. rock music journalist Paul Stenning — author of the GUNS N' ROSES book "The Band That Time Forgot", the AC/DC book "Two Sides to Every Glory", and the 130,000-word biography on IRON MAIDEN, entitled "30 Years of the Beast - The Complete Biography 1976-2006" — has released the following statement:
"I am very upset at the death of TYPE O NEGATIVE's Peter Steele.
"I must say that I interviewed Peter about five years ago and it was the longest interview I've ever had, almost three hours! He was very engaging and I think I got more out of him than anyone ever had, certainly more than I'd ever read. He told me some awesome things. [The interview] definitely ranks as one of my favorites and better ones. That's certainly down to him.
"The band had gone off a bit the past few years but I will always have a soft spot for them and for him.
"If this is definitely true then it's very sad. I know he wanted to move to Iceland and settle down with his perfect woman and build a house. As far as I know he didn't manage it, all of which makes you think about mortality and not wasting ANY time.
"RIP, Peter, music will be lesser without your impact."