AC/DC's ANGUS And MALCOLM YOUNG Recognized With Giant Mural Painted Near Their Childhood Home: Video, Photos

April 25, 2024

Tom Compagnoni, head of creative video for The Sydney Morning Herald, has produced a video about a large mural of AC/DC's Angus and Malcolm Young painted on the street of their childhood home in Burwood, Sydney, Australia. This is the first public memorial for AC/DC in the band's original hometown.

Artist Claire Foxton created the colossal mural adorning a wall near the childhood residence of the AC/DC founders. Burwood council has commissioned this mural as part of several planned initiatives aiming to honor the legacy of AC/DC and the Young family.

The mural, situated on the side of 12 Burleigh Street, a property acquired by Burwood council, is just a stone's throw away from 4 Burleigh Street, the original Australian abode of the Young family, who migrated from Scotland in 1963.

While Melbourne boasts AC/DC Lane and Fremantle showcases its Bon Scott statue, the birthplace of AC/DC has been relatively tardy in erecting a significant public memorial for its most eminent cultural export. However, Burwood council has finally taken action to solidify AC/DC's place in its legacy as part of their "150 Years Of Burwood" program.

Malcolm died in 2017 from effects of dementia at age 64.

In December 2014, Malcolm revealed he had dementia which forced him to retire from AC/DC. His nephew Stevie Young stepped into Malcolm's position.

Angus later said that he realized during the recording of the band's 2008 album "Black Ice" that his brother's faculties were impaired.

Malcolm died in November 2017 after failing health for several years.

Hundreds of mourners gathered for his funeral in Sydney, Australia, including Angus and other members of the Young family, along with AC/DC singer Brian Johnson, drummer Phil Rudd and bassist Cliff Williams.

Malcolm was remembered as a "humble man" and "musical mastermind," with friend David Albert saying in his eulogy that Malcolm's impact on the music industry was nothing short of momentous. Young's beloved Gretsch guitar, "The Beast," rested on his coffin during the service.

As part of Burwood Council's ongoing lineup of activities in celebration of 150 years of Burwood, we have commissioned...

Posted by Mayor of Burwood on Thursday, April 18, 2024

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