AEROSMITH Guitarist JOE PERRY: 'Who Knows, This Might Be It'

November 16, 2006

AEROSMITH guitarist Joe Perry spoke to the Bradenton Herald about the band's Nov. 4 concert at the MGM Garden Arena in Las Vegas, when three songs into the performance a camera boom struck Perry in the head and face. He finished the 90-minute show but sustained a concussion and severe bruising to his face.

"I was so pissed off — really, really pissed off by the time show was over," confessed Perry. "I was a mess by the next day and felt like (expletive)."

Perry said he didn't remember finishing the show but is glad he did — surely the 15,000 in attendance were pleased, as well. One can only conclude that the group's recent health issues have prompted the musicians to take each show a little more seriously.

"That's exactly it," Perry said. "That feeling of wondering when you're gonna play again is what does it. I gotta think there's a sense of immediacy that all this stuff brings. When I play these cities I can't help but think: Who knows, this might be it."

The 56-year-old guitarist added: "It's like that old saying, if you wanna make God laugh, tell him your plans. Be humble and play the show, that's all I can do. If I had my head tilted a few more inches the other way I couldn't have finished that show - or maybe ever played again. And then look at Tom (Hamilton),who's never missed a show, and then something happens out of his control. Things like that really make you feel you gotta just live for the day."


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