AEROSMITH Guitarist Talks About His Hot Sauce Formula

June 23, 2004

Michael Deeds of the Gannett News Service recently spoke to AEROSMITH guitarist Joe Perry about his newly created first hot sauce, Joe Perry's Rock Your World Boneyard Brew. A couple of excerpts follow:

Question: What's hotter: The bluesy new AEROSMITH album, "Honkin' on Bobo", or Rock Your World hot sauce?

Joe Perry: "The hot sauce, if you're a hot sauce fan, is very high up on the Scoville chart. I sat in with Emeril on one of the shows ('Emeril Live' on Food Network). I sat in with his band, and he cooked some stuff with my sauce. Everybody asks me, 'Is it hot? What's the spice thing?' So I figured I'd ask an expert. And he said it was about 60 percent heat. That's coming from an expert. But if you can handle Tabasco Sauce, you can probably handle my sauce."

Q: What triggered this spicy passion?

Joe Perry: "Just traveling around the world over the years. I like to eat. I like different kinds of food. That kind of food is probably in my blood. I'm half Portuguese. My family came from Madeira, which is kind of a tropical island, so I've never gotten away from that kind of spicy kind of food. I've always loved it.

"Traveling on the road, you run into a lot of bland food, so I got into carrying around my own hot sauce. Then I was having trouble finding something that I really liked, that was the perfect one. Either it was too hot or too fruity or too much vinegar or too much tomato. So I ended up coming up with a formula." Read more.

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