AFTER FOREVER, NIGHTMARE: European Dates Announced

November 16, 2005

Holland's AFTER FOREVER and France's NIGHTMARE will be teaming up for a European tour beginning in late January. Confirmed dates are as follows:

Jan. 27 - Brussels (B) Ten Weyngaert
Jan. 28 - Dordrecht (NL) Bibelot
Jan. 29 - Weert (NL) De Bosuil
Jan. 31 - London (UK) Garage + CRIMSON TEARS
Feb. 01 - Lille (F) Le Splendid
Feb. 03 - Nijmegen (NL) Doornroosje
Feb. 04 - Rennes (F) Antipode
Feb. 05 - Le Havre (F) Agora
Feb. 06 - Strasbourg (F) La Laiterie
Feb. 07 - Pratteln (CH) Z7
Feb. 09 - Barcelona (S) Razzmatazz II
Feb. 10 - Valencia (E) Republica II
Feb. 11 - Madrid (E) Aqualung
Feb. 12 - Bilbao (E) Santana 27
Feb. 14 - Bordeaux (F) Rock School Barbey
Feb. 15 - Toulouse (F) Salle des FĂȘtes de Ramonville
Feb. 16 - Montpellier (F) Rockstore
Feb. 17 - Verona (IT) Gate 52
Feb. 18 - Reggio Emilia (IT) Transylvania Live
Feb. 19 - Lyon (F) Ninkasi Kao

AFTER FOREVER are touring in support of their fourth full-length album, "Remagine", available now on Transmission Records. The follow-up to 2004's "Invisible Circles" was recorded at Excess studio in Rotterdam, Holland and was mixed by Sascha Paeth and Philip Colodetti at the Gate studio in Wolfsburg, Germany.

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