Former SANCTUARY Guitarist SEAN BLOSL Dead At 58

January 1, 2025

Former SANCTUARY guitarist Sean Blosl has died at the age of 58. According to a brief obituary on The Chronicle, Blosl passed away on August 26, 2024 in Seattle.

Blosl formed SANCTUARY in 1985 with his cousin, fellow guitarist Lenny Rutledge. He played on the band's first two albums, 1988's Dave Mustaine-produced debut "Refuge Denied" and 1990's "Into The Mirror Black".

On Tuesday (December 31),Rutledge shared the following message via the SANCTUARY social media: "It is with a very heavy heart that I have to announce that Sean Blosl passed away earlier this year. He was involved in a vehicle related accident in Seattle.

"I have struggled with posting about this news. I am not a fan of the social media death announcements, but I realize that even though I think this is a private family matter, Sean was also a very important part of the Seattle music scene.

"Sean was my cousin, but to us we were much more like my brothers. We had a musical dream when we were kids that became a reality. Without Sean by my side I don't know if I would have had the opportunity to make this musical journey.

"It is very difficult to sum up a lifetime of love, memories and experiences but I will always remember Sean as an inspiration and a teacher.

"RIP Brother. I will see you on the other side."

While touring in support of "Into The Mirror Black", Blosl left SANCTUARY and was replaced by Jeff Loomis.

Shortly after, pressure from Epic Records to fit in with the flourishing Seattle grunge scene caused disagreements between bandmembers regarding their musical direction. In 1992, SANCTUARY officially disbanded.

After SANCTUARY split up, singer Warrel Dane, bassist Jim Sheppard and Loomis formed NEVERMORE in 1992. NEVERMORE recorded seven studio albums before going on hiatus in April 2011.

In 2010, four of the founding SANCTUARY members — Dane, Sheppard, Rutledge and drummer Dave Budbill — came together for a few select reunion performances. At first, it was just going to be a handful of shows, but the response and chemistry on stage was so overwhelming that they decided to reunite permanently.

SANCTUARY's third studio album, "The Year The Sun Died", was released in October 2014, about three years before the passing of Dane. The singer had died in December 2017 of a heart attack in São Paulo, Brazil, where he was recording his second solo album.

SANCTUARY toured North America with ICED EARTH in February and March 2018 as a tribute to Dane, with WITHERFALL vocalist Joseph Michael filling in on vocals.

It is with a very heavy heart that I have to announce that Sean Blosl passed away earlier this year. He was involved in...

Posted by Sanctuary on Tuesday, December 31, 2024

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