April 16, 2006COMES WITH THE FALL vocalist/guitarist William DuVall — who will be touring with the reunited ALICE IN CHAINS this summer as the band's lead singer — has posted the following message on the CWTF web site:
"A lot of people have been asking about when CWTF's fourth album, 'Beyond The Last Light', will be released. It's completely done — recorded, mixed, mastered, artwork finished, everything. We are ready to go to press. Yet the original release date has come and gone. What gives? I suppose I have some ''splaining to do,' as Ricky Ricardo would say.
"In light of everything that's going on with myself and ALICE IN CHAINS, we've decided to hold the release of 'Beyond The Last Light' for the moment. I know, I know, it seems like it's taking forever already, but the timing has to be right. This album is our heaviest work yet and we want to give its release the full attention it deserves, promotional and otherwise. Right now, that's just not possible.
"However, in the meantime, what we ARE going to do is release 'The Rockslide' EP, named for the new CWTF anthem with which many of you are already familiar from its recent unveiling on our MySpace page. The EP will also contain two other totally mind-melting tracks from the 'Beyond The Last Light' sessions that you won't find on the album, nor anywhere else. These are EXCLUSIVES, people. Not outtakes. Not B-sides. As you may remember, 'Beyond The Last Light' was originally conceived as a sprawling double-disc affair but then for various reasons, none of which had to do with the quality of the music, was whittled down to a single disc of ten tracks. And let me tell you folks, that whittling was tough! Every proposed running order felt like Sophie's choice. There was screaming, fistfights but, in the end, we got it done. That left us with a surplus of face-peeling rock-n-roll. And now we're going to pass the savings on to you, our faithful supporters, for all your patience during these trying times. We hope this will serve as a uniquely cool stand-alone piece, as well as an appetizer for the album to come.
"Expect 'The Rockslide' EP in July. Seriously."