ALL THAT REMAINS Schedules Studio Time For Forthcoming Album

April 8, 2008

Massachusetts' ALL THAT REMAINS has confirmed May 1 as the first day of recording at Audiohammer studio in Florida with producer Jason Suecof (BURY YOUR DEAD, CHIMAIRA, DEVILDRIVER) for the band's follow-up to 2006's "The Fall of Ideals". More details, including a release date, artwork and track listing, will be available shortly.

"ATR are going to Florida!" says frontman Phil Labonte. "We are wicked pumped to be working with Jason. He's been a friend for a long time and we are super-excited to hear how he will bend ATR's sound and help squeeze new and bad-ass metal out of our collective brains. He's a great producer and we can't wait to see what happens after two months at Audiohammer Insanitown Studios! Get into it."

ALL THAT REMAINS most recently completed a winter headlining tour across North America with support from CHIMAIRA, BLACK TIDE, DIVINE HERESY and LIGHT THIS CITY. Due up next is a nearly month-long stint on the main stage of Warped Tour 2008.

MySpace's "A Place for Metal" recently posted a video interview with Phil Labonte featuring fan questions posed by Metal Sanaz. Watch the footage below.

ALL THAT REMAINS is continuing to support its latest effort, "The Fall of Ideals", which saw a July 2006 release through Prosthetic Records. Also recently released were a reissue of the band's previously out-of-print debut "Behind Silence and Solitude" as well as the band's first-ever DVD, "Live".

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