AMON AMARTH: Video Interview With JOHAN HEGG Available

January 22, 2009

Metal TV channel Rockalarm! conducted an interview with vocalist Johan Hegg of Swedish Viking metallers AMON AMARTH in November 2008 in Berlin, Germany during the band's "The Unholy Alliance: Chapter III" tour with SLAYER, TRIVIUM and MASTODON. Watch the eight-minute chat below.

AMON AMARTH will have its first four albums reissued in 2009. The series will kick off with "Once Sent From A Golden Hall", which will be released on February 27 in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy and March 2 in the rest of Europe as a double-popup-digipak featuring two discs. Disc one features the entire "Once Sent From A Golden Hall" album remastered plus the bonus track "Siegreicher Marsch" (German version of "Victorious March"). Disc two features the live recording of the show AMON AMARTH played on December 28, 2008 in Bochum, Germany where they played the album in its entirety. The order of songs is the same as on disc one (excluding "Siegreicher Marsch").

This reissue (and all the other ones that will follow later in the year) will be released as an eight-sided double-figipak with individual pop-up. All four pop-ups attached to each other will show a special three-dimensional pic! The reissue also features liner notes by the band and will be released for the price of a regular CD.

"Once Sent From A Golden Hall" reissue track listing:

01. Ride For Vengeance
02. The DragonsĀ“ Flight Across The Waves
03. Without Fear
04. Victorious March
05. Friends Of The Suncross
06. Abandoned
07. Amon Amarth
08. Once Sent From The Golden Hall
09. Siegreicher Marsch (German version of "Victorious March")

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