AmpliTube Slash For iPhone And iPad Announced

June 14, 2012

Want to rock Slash's rig? Now you can with the new AmpliTube Slash for iPhone app. Play through a rock icon's pedals and amplifiers, all from the convenience of your iPhone or iPod touch.

AmpliTube Slash is a full-featured mobile guitar effects processor and recording studio app that lets you play, practice and record with Slash's signature gear, anytime and everywhere. AmpliTube Slash lets you configure a flexible guitar signal chain complete with 3 inline stompbox effects, an amplifier head and cabinet combination, and a single-track recorder (expandable to 4 tracks) for capturing your musical ideas quickly and easily.

AmpliTube Slash features models of all the legendary signature gear used by Slash in the studio and in his live performances. Now you can rock models of the legendary Marshall JCM Slash Edition Silver Jubilee, the Marshall AFD100, 6 Slash's signature guitar pedals, and play along with Slash's extensive discography or any music from your music library. Also included is a collection of Slash guitar tone preset settings, provided as starting points for your own tone tweaking or playing along.

AmpliTube Slash also features a robust "song" player section that allows you to play along with songs or backing tracks by importing them directly from your device iPod library or from your computer. The song section also features links to the new "Apocalyptic Love" album, and links to Slash music available on the iTunes store that can be purchased and added to your library and the app for play-along. The Song section also includes our popular SpeedTrainer learning/practice feature which can slow down or speed up the tempo of audio material without affecting pitch. A digital chromatic tuner and metronome are also included.

If you currently own AmpliTube for iPhone, upgrade to version 2.5 (now available as a free upgrade),and all AmpliTube Slash gear models will be available as in-app purchase, either as a complete set or a-la-carte. This is recommended if you'd like to use the AmpliTube Slash models with your other AmpliTube for iPhone app.

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