ANTHRAX Guitarist Honored With Piece Of WASHBURN/DIMEBAG History
May 1, 2005Backstage at the Chicago House of Blues Saturday night (April 30),Boogie Street Guitars founder/owner Eric McKenna presented ANTHRAX guitarist Scott Ian with a Washburn USA Custom Shop Southern Cross Guitar, Number 36 of 82. The guitar was set up beforehand for Scott by BLS guitar tech Fred Kowalo at the Boogie Street office in Pittsburgh. Scott proceeded to instruct his guitar tech, Brian, to get the Cross ready because Scott was going to take the Cross into battle immediately!
Scott played the Southern Cross guitar during the encore of ANTHRAX's "reunion" show at the House of Blues and the crowd responded with a chant of "Dimebag!, Dimebag!, Dimebag!"
Eric presented Scott the guitar as a token of appreciation for the marketing cooperation between Boogie Street, Scott and Washburn Guitars. Boogie Street Worldwide Guitars has acquired the limited and numbered first runs of Scott's new Washburn Signature Series guitars as well as special, numbered runs of Scott's Randall V-Max head and cabinet. These half-stacks will have tolex done up in snow camo as well as slime green. Eric stated that Scott's close friendship with the late Dimebag Darrell was something to be celebrated and that Scott certainly deserved to have this very special piece of Washburn/Dimebag history.
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