ANTHRAX's SCOTT IAN: New Album Hits You In The Middle Of Forehead And Doesn't Stop
June 20, 2002ANTHRAX guitarist Scott Ian has posted the following message via the band's official web site at www.anthraxtheband.com:
"We had a press day with a bunch of European journalists on Saturday. It was like a mini U.N. summit meeting except instead of talking about the situation in Palestine we talked about metal. Germany, Holland, Spain, Italy, England, France. Nuclear Blast [Records] flew them all over to get a preview of the [new ANTHRAX] record [entitled We've Come For You All]. We only had three almost done mixes and two roughs to play them, but it went well. It even sounded good over the crappy PA system in CBGBs' basement. Only the best for us! Everyone seemed to dig the tracks. Lots of headbanging. These writers from the Euro rock mags aren't just writers. They are all huge metal heads who are passionate about music. I wish the U.S. had as many cool magazines devoted to metal. I was really pumped because it was the first time I was hearing stuff finished. It was really punchy. It hits you right in the middle of your forehead and doesn't stop. Scrap 60 [Productions, album producers] have done a lot of cool production work in these mixes. There's a lot of shit going on. They call it 'ear candy.' I call it 'Wow, that sounded cool.' Also, [fellow ANTHRAX guitarist] Rob [Caggiano] is ripping leads. Fucking aggressive. I can't wait to hear it on my stereo at home. Two more weeks of mixing and it will be done.
"Rob turned me on to the [Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia] record from DIMMU BORGIR. I can't stop listening to it. It's like this giant, magnificent soundtrack to the ultimate horror/fantasy epic movie in my head. It's so metal. I like the SUPERJOINT [RITUAL] record too. Like old CELTIC FROST crossed with A.O.D. (great hardcore band from NJ). Phil is screaming his head off. I've also been listening to the MEDICATION record, Prince Valium. It's dark and moody and heavy. Check it out."