February 4, 2010

Groovey of the Colorado Music Buzz & Entertainment conducted an interview with drummer Robb Reiner of Canadian metal legends ANVIL when the band played the Gothic Theater in Denver on January 31, 2010. Watch the chat below.

ANVIL's acclaimed documentary, "Anvil! The Story of Anvil", has been named one of 2009's best documentaries by a slew of film critics associations across the continent, including critics in Chicago, San Francisco, Toronto, and Las Vegas, as well as the International Documentary Association, the Online Film Critics Society, and the National Society of Film Critics. It also made the year-end Top 10 lists in publications such as the New York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, and Village Voice.

ANVIL's "The Anvil Experience" North American tour kicked off on January 7 in Cleveland, Ohio. "The Anvil Experience" concerts were going to open with a screening of the "Anvil! The Story of Anvil" documentary followed by the band playing a live set. However, according to Lips, "We've been so fortunate with the success of the film and then the DVD, so many people have already seen it, so we've decided that this tour is going to be all about the music, we're just going to play our set, and just ROCK with the fans. 'The Anvil Experience' will be an evening of pure, unadulterated rock'n'roll." Local bands will open the shows.

The 27-date concert tour — the band's first major tour in more than a decade — is in support of "Anvil! The Story of Anvil", as well as the band's latest album, "This Is Thirteen", which one rock critic called ANVIL's "best record in over two decades."

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