BAD WOLVES Frontman Says A Lot Of Political Leaders Are Using Lockdown Order As Way To Impose Tyranny And Oppression Upon People

May 19, 2020

BAD WOLVES frontman Tommy Vext says that some U.S. governors have wielded strong authority over how to respond to the coronavirus pandemic simply out of disdain for President Donald Trump.

"I think that the coronavirus pandemic has been politically hijacked, and I think that certain governors with certain political leanings are continuing to overextend a lockdown order that on a global standpoint, it's scientifically arguable that it was necessary to begin with," he told Andy Hall of the Des Moines, Iowa radio station Lazer 103.3 (hear audio below). "I think it was smart for us to do what we did as a community and as a people as a whole to make sure that we responded to what we thought was gonna happen. But as the data continues to come out, you're starting to see the truth. I think that it was very overexaggerated, and I think, as a result, there are a lot of political leaders who would like to see a change of regime with the presidency and I think they're using the lockdown order as a way to impose tyranny and oppression upon people who don't want it.

"I've drawn a lot of controversy by being outspoken about this," he continued. "I have friends who are actors and friends who are artists who, they're being silenced. Scientists and doctors are not allowed to talk about this. If they talk about it on YouTube, they're getting deleted. To me, that's a lot of red flags. And then you see the police departments in various cities are kind of refusing to lock up innocent business owners for just going back to work.

"I think that the American people have kind of had enough of being told what to do and told that our lives are in danger when the numbers aren't there. We have 39 million people in California and 3,000 deaths from coronavirus."

Vext also spoke about Tesla CEO Elon Musk who threatened to move the company out of California because Alameda County would not allow Tesla to resume manufacturing. Days later, county health officials approved plans to reopen the plant.

"Nobody arrested him because he has the finances to afford attorneys that basically… The loophole is that [California] Governor [Gavin] Newsom, actually, what he's doing is illegal now," Tommy said. "It's against the Bill Of Rights and it forfeits parts of the Constitution that were put in place by our forefathers. If my grandfather was alive today, he'd be losing his mind. Our grandparents did not fight World War I and II to tolerate this sort of a thing.

"I think there is a sensitivity, and there's no disrespect to the people who lost their lives," he continued. "I'm from New York City. 18 people I personally know, including family members and friends I grew up with, tested positive for the virus. Six of them had symptoms; the remaining 12 had nothing. I think my one friend was sick for 14 days; he had it really bad. Everyone else was sick for 48 hours, and one of my friends was sick for five days."

Tommy also seemingly threw his support behind a recent conspiracy theory — which has been amplified in particular on Fox News — that official coronavirus death toll numbers are padded with people who would have died anyway from preexisting conditions.

"I have a buddy who died in New York of leukemia — he's been fightning leukemia for a long time — and they ruled his death COVID-19," Tommy said. "And now his wife has to deal with all the implications in his will that were — you know, upon his death of leukemia, that X, Y and Z in his estate would be distributed between his chidren and his ex-wife and his current wife." (More than a month ago, White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Deborah Birx said that even though the virus is "particularly damaging" for people with preexisting conditions, their "underlying condition did not cause [their death]" — the coronavirus did. Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has been director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984, went even further, saying: "I think there is more of a chance of missing some that are really coronavirus deaths that are not being counted.")

"It's a very weird time, and it's hard to get real information, because mainstream media is saying everything else is fake news, but they're constantly getting caught faking the news," Vext added. "It's just a very strange time, and I think Americans are starting to wake up. And I think what has to happen for us is we have to look at what is going on and demand answers and demand accountability. I think there should be a demand of accountability on all parts."

Vext went on to say that China's ruthless suppression of free speech and its lack of transparency gave the disease wings to fly around the world.

"China is completely responsible for this entire thing, as it seems," he said. "Who's gonna restore the global economies that they destroyed because they were negligent in not giving the other countries the information of how serious this virus was? We could have just stopped flights. China allowed international flights from Wuhan [the Chinese city where the first cases were found] to San Francisco, fully well knowing they were in the midst of a pandemic. They had shut down flights internally in their country from Wuhan to any other parts of China but still allowed international flights."

BAD WOLVES' sophomore album, "N.A.T.I.O.N.", was released last October via Eleven Seven Music.

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