June 1, 2008BERENICE BLEEDING, the band featuring longtime friends Rober (MACHETAZO),Phlegeton (WORMED, GODS, HUMAN MINCER) and Rogga Johansson (PAGANIZER, RIBSPREADER, DEMIURG, EDGE OF SANITY),has inked a deal with Ibex Moon Records. According to a press release, BERENICE BLEEDING's "only aim is to play some evil and beer-fucked old-school death metal mostly influenced by CELTIC FROST, OBITUARY, DARKTHRONE, BATHORY, old Scandinavian metal and stuff like that."
The group's debut mini-CD, entitled "Banished from Inferno", will be released mid-2008.
Ibex Moon Records owner John McEntee (INCANTATION) comments: "I'm really looking forward to working with Rober and the BERENICE BLEEDING guys. The chemistry they have is just amazing! The bottom line is BERENICE BLEEDING just kicks ass."
BERENICE BLEEDING's guitarist/bassist Rober states: "Working with John McEntee and Ibex Moon Records is awesome for all of us. We are really pleased to be apart of the Ibex Moon infernal roster!! All of us in the band wanna express our most sincere gratitude to John, Jill and all the label crew for all their confidence and support. Be sure we'll do our fucking best to kick ass working along side this great label. Indulgence is eternal under the ibex moon..."
For more information, visit www.myspace.com/berenicebleeding.