Limited Deadition

Reigning Phoenix
rating icon 7 / 10

Track listing:

01. SCG XIX The Hexecutioners
02. Legends Are Made Of Clichés
03. Syntax Terror
04. Skelephant In The Room
05. SCGTV Saturday Night Main Event
06. Killharmonic Orchestra
07. Collectable
08. SCGTV Monstersquad Action Figures
09. Fangoria
10. Hellizabeth
11. SCGTV The Hexecutioners Season Finale
12. Retropolis
13. Frighteousness
14. SCGTV Crazee Ralph Promo
15. Limited Deadition
16. You Might Be Deceased

Perhaps LORDI's secret ingredient has been their ability to antagonize the rock and metal scene without ever appearing to be a threat. The Finnish costumed horror rockers have managed to irritate Alice Cooper and evade the endless GWAR comparisons while producing largely predictable yet accessible albums that embrace it. "It" signifies many things for LORDI — from their costumes to their songwriting approach. Regardless, the fact that they're on their 19th studio album with "Limited Deadition" and still considered relevant by many Euro and Scandinavian fans suggests they're likely smarter than the rest of us.

The red thread running through "Limited Deadition" is the 1980s, exploring the era's movies, toys, commercials and television shows. It aligns with where LORDI are musically — heavy on synths, choruses and "fun," if you will. The lead single, "Syntax Terror", plunges into those signature synths, with frontman Mr. Lordi unleashing some Udo Dirkschneider-like wails in the chorus. Speaking of which, LORDI adheres to the formula in the chorus department throughout, with "Hellizabath" and the cleverly titled "Legends Are Made Of Clichés" stealing the show, as it lists every horror movie cliché imaginable. (It's possible that LORDI also pays a mini-tribute to the "Friday The 13th" movie franchise in the intro.)

Proving that, for LORDI, nothing is off-limits, the would-be rock ballad "Collectible" delves into tales of haunted toy collectibles. If LORDI is ever willing, "Collectible" could be turned into a holiday jingle. Beyond that, the segue tracks add little value other than filling out the running order, but the Finns manage to hold on with the syrupy "Retropolis" and "Fangoria", the latter being a nod to the popular horror magazine.

The 20th anniversary of LORDI's 2006 "Eurovision" title is approaching next year, serving as a reminder of the band's surprising longevity. Call them what you will — The Finnish GWAR, GWAR-lite, or simply amusing horror rock — any way you slice it, LORDI continues to enchant and amuse in their thing on "Limited Deadition". It's almost certain they will keep it up when they reach album number 20. Why try and fight it?

Author: David E. Gehlke
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