BLACK SABBATH Guitarist IOMMI Calling All New Bands

June 7, 2006

BLACK SABBATH guitarist Tony Iommi's official web site has been updated with the following message:

"Tony is currently in the pre-production stages for series 2 of his radio series, 'Black Sunday', on Planet Rock. As with series one, he will be featuring a selection of unsigned acts on the show and is very keen to hear some new music. So if you are in a band, send a demo CD, contact details and a bit of background info about yourselves for consideration for the show to: Tony Iommi, PO Box 54373, London W2 7GD. Please do not send fan mail, begging letters, autograph requests or any other nonsense to this address — it will be binned immediately so don't waste your money on the stamps! We do not currently have the facility to accept MP3 files or listen via the web so if you want your music heard, make the effort to burn a CD. New bands that may already have a record deal but are interested in being included on Tony's show are also welcome to send CDs to the above address."

Planet Rock had previously issued the following description of Iommi's program: "Each week, Tony will be joined by colleagues and friends from all walks of life who indulge in a common passion for rock music. He will also share his experiences from over 30 years at the top table of rock's aristocracy, and reveal the stories behind BLACK SABBATH's most famous songs. Tony will also invite unsigned bands to send in their demos and will play his pick on air."

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