BOB DAISLEY & LEE KERSLAKE: OZZY Robbed The Record-Buying Public
April 15, 2002Former OZZY OSBOURNE bassist Bob Daisley and drummer Lee Kerslake have issued a statement responding to the press release from the OSBOURNE camp “explaining” the reasons for the removal of the duo's recorded performances from the Blizzard of Ozz and Diary Of A Madman “reissues” and accusing the pair of having “harassed” the family for “years”. Here it is in its entirety:
“On behalf of Lee Kerslake & myself, and in response to the recent OSBOURNE press release, we have this to say.
“Firstly, we have never harassed the OSBOURNES and their family, nor have we been abusive or unjust. We have had no contact with them other than our lawyers communicating with their lawyers seeking our royalties due for our performances on the Blizzard of Ozz & Diary of a Madman albums.
“Speaking of who is unjust, I would like to add that after Lee and I (and of course Randy Rhoads) put our hearts and souls into the making of the above mentioned albums, our credits for our performances on Diary of a Madman were intentionally excluded and given to someone else. Performance royalties have never been paid to us…. 'hence the current legal battle'.
“For OZZY to remove our performances from Blizzard… & Diary… (for yet another re-release) is to tamper with, and rob, the buying public of the original magic captured on a milestone of rock history. Why OZZY would want to do this to such a classic product is beyond us, and probably most of the people who count – 'the fans'.
“The original classic performances are 'NO MORE'. Be warned! Bogus replacements are now for sale. The originals have been withdrawn. If I bought what I thought was a classic album and found it contained bogus replacements…. 'I'd want my money back'!!!
“The classic original versions of Blizzard of Ozz & Diary of a Madman are now history. Shame!
“Bob Daisley & Lee Kerslake”