December 10, 2024

BULLETBOYS have announced the return of bassist Lonnie Vencent and addition of guitarist Jake Faun (David Lee Roth, WINGER) to the group's ranks.

Earlier today, BULLETBOYS frontman Marq Torien shared the following message via the band's social media: "BREAKING!!!! BULLETBOYS NEWS!!! 2025 Touring Dates!!! We are so excited about Next year's Dates and Lonnie Vencent being back in the game with us!!! Welcome back my brother!!! New Beginnings, New Dates, New Album, New Music, New Mgt, New Beginnings!!!

"Thank you to all of our Family, Friends and Fans Everywhere!!! We are embarking on a Magical New Venture!!! Ty to the amazing #georgereed for his stellar photography!! Love u brother!! Ty to #kencheneymgt for his undying love to BULLETBOYS! We Love u Ken!! Keep on Punchin and Rockin Yall!! See all yall very soon!!!"

BULLETBOYS' current lineup is rounded out by drummer Fred Aching (POWERFLO).

BULLETBOYS formed in 1988 at the very peak of the Los Angeles glam metal movement. As a collection of talented musicians, BULLETBOYS were able to quickly capture the attention of music fans around the world. Unlike other rockers of the day, the BULLETBOYS possessed more hard rock-blues fusion than pure hair metal. Thanks to comparisons to the likes of AEROSMITH and VAN HALEN, talent scouts came running and the band quickly received their first major label contract.

BULLETBOYS' self-titled debut was released in 1988 via Warner Bros. and peaked at number 34 on the Billboard 200. The album spawned two hit singles, a cover of the O'JAYS classic "For The Love Of Money" and "Smooth Up in Ya", both of which charted on the Mainstream Rock chart and saw regular airplay on MTV. BULLETBOYS went on to release two more albums, 1991's "Freakshow" and 1993's "Za-Za", before splitting up.

The original BULLETBOYS lineup — Torien, Vencent, guitarist Mick Sweda and drummer Jimmy D'Anda — reunited five years ago and made its live return in December 2019 with a sold-out performance at the Whisky A Go Go in West Hollywood, California. Sweda and D'Anda exited the group again two years later, with Sweda saying in an interview that he would "never do anything with BULLETBOYS again."

BREAKING!!!! BULLETBOYS NEWS!!! 2025 Touring Dates!!! We are so excited about Next year's Dates and
Lonnie Vencent...

Posted by BULLETBOYS on Tuesday, December 10, 2024

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