BURST: Early Music Posted Online

December 22, 2006

Sweden's BURST has issued the following update via its MySpace page:

"Wherever we tour and wherever we play, a lot of people always ask us about our darker days, i.e. the music that we made prior to the Relapse, Prank and Chrome Saint Magnus releases. Many of you ask us where they can get our earliest stuff, but we always say that they will never ever ever EVER get to hear that old crap. Much to their dismay, I might add.

"BURST is, as you might know, a pretty long-lived band, and even if our '90s incarnation is a completely different band in a lot of ways, we did release a bunch of EPs and even an album before we becmae what we are today.

"We cannot stress enough that the '90s BURST has nothing to do with BURST of today — we were different people than we are now, in a different place and with a different idea about music. But at the same time, we don't want to deny our history. Somehow, that era had some importance in our musical growth and took us to where we are now as a band. Therefore, by popular demand, and for a very very limited time only (ONLY between December 23 until December 30),we will upload one song from each of our earliest releases on our MySpace page. Fun for us in a nostalgic sort of way, and maybe fun for a few of you who enjoy current BURST album 'Origo', or 'Prey On Life' or even 'Conquest: Writhe', to hear a few excerpts of the well hidden BURST past that led up to these albums."

Read more at blog.myspace.com/burstrelapse.

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