CHAD GRAY Says Being In HELLYEAH 'Still Feels Right' After Seven Years
October 4, 2014Daniel P. Carter of Scuzz TV conducted an interview with HELLYEAH singer Chad Gray and drummer Vinnie Paul Abbott at this year's edition of the Bloodstock Open Air festival, which was held August 7-10 at Catton Hall, Walton-On-Trent, West Midlands, United Kingdom. You can now watch the chat below.
Speaking about what it has been like for the members of HELLYEAH to go from successful bands like PANTERA and MUDVAYNE to practically starting over with their new group, Gray said: "You're out on your own and you're not with the collective where you came from. It's a different band. You're bringing those attributes from everybody into the collective that is HELLYEAH. But it's been a startover process. But you know what?! It's been a lot of fun. It's humbling. You get back to what you really started in music for, that passion and love for it. You need it. The business just kind of trickles into things that become successful. You've kind of gotta keep your eyes on everything and stuff like that. It eventually becomes a lot of business. That passion thing becomes a job."
He added: "[Launching HELLYEAH] was an experiment. We just wanted to get back in a room and just fire it up and go for it. We didn't know what it was gonna be. We just got in a room and started playing and it became HELLYEAH. But it's back to the roots. Still, after seven years, it's still the roots. It still feels right. It still feels good."
HELLYEAH's fourth album, "Blood For Blood", sold around 17,000 copies in its first week of release to land at No. 18 on the Billboard chart. The band's previous effort, 2011's "Band Of Brothers", opened with 19,000 copies back in July 2012 to debut at No. 19.
HELLYEAH is currently touring North America as guests of FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH and VOLBEAT.