U.D.O. Already Has 'Some Ideas' For Next Studio Album

January 3, 2025

In a recent interview with Rockaxis TV, U.D.O. members Udo Dirkschneider (vocals),Sven Dirkschneider (drums) and Fabian "Dee" Dammers (guitar) spoke about a possible follow-up to the band's "Touchdown" album, which came out in August 2023 via Atomic Fire Records. Dee said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "I think we have had some talks about it, that obviously, why not do more music? But I guess that's plans for after the DIRKSCHNEIDER tour; we're gonna have some intense touring with the 40th-anniversary [of 'Balls To The Wall'] tour. And maybe after that, there's time for some new music. We're always ready to create new music. I mean, Sven already said, the cool thing about us is we have all the generations here combined, and, for example, [fellow U.D.O. guitarist] Andrey [Smirnov] and me, we look at music so differently, and sometimes it's like close to being like a fight but then we take the advantages of everybody and just combine it to create something new about it. And I would love to continue that for sure."

Added Sven: "And wherever you go, they [Dee and Andrey] have their studio set up anyway; they're playing guitar the whole day. So, we have some ideas, but it's nothing written in stone yet when the next studio album will be."

Udo chimed in: "And also, what will be interesting, I think, is now Peter [Baltes, former ACCEPT and current U.D.O. and DIRKSCHNEIDER bassist] is also involved in songwriting. I know Peter songwriting-wise — I mean, when I was in ACCEPT a long time — but that will be very interesting. So I'm really looking forward also to the next U.D.O. album now."

"Touchdown" was crafted with producer and mixing engineer Martin "Mattes" Pfeiffer at Redhead Studio in Wilhelmshaven, Germany and mastered by Stefan Kaufmann at ROXX Studio in Solingen, Germany. The record includes a guest appearance by violinist Stefan Pintev on the closing track, and bass tracks were recorded by Baltes. Artwork was provided by Martin Häusler who was also responsible for shooting band photos in support of the album campaign.

In April 2023, Baltes officially joined U.D.O. and DIRKSCHNEIDER, the two bands fronted by Udo Dirkschneider. The former ACCEPT bassist had been playing bass for U.D.O. since September 2022, initially as a temporary replacement for U.D.O.'s then-bassist Tilen Hudrap who was hospitalized after the band's show in Munich, Germany.

DIRKSCHNEIDER is the name of Udo's band which performs ACCEPT material exclusively.

Although Udo announced 10 years ago that his initial DIRKSCHNEIDER tour would mark his final time performing ACCEPT songs, he has continued to play select shows under the DIRKSCHNEIDER banner.

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