CLIFF BURTON Biographer Announces U.K., Italian Signings

September 22, 2009

U.K.-based author Joel McIver will be reading from his recent book, "To Live Is To Die: The Life And Death Of Metallica's Cliff Burton" (pictured below) at two Milan and London locations.

The first event takes place in Milan this coming Saturday (September 27),the 23rd anniversary of Burton's death in a coach crash in Sweden in 1986. The venue, the Alcatraz, is the city's foremost metal club and will host concerts by SLAYER and CANNIBAL CORPSE in the fall. McIver will guest on bass with a local METALLICA tribute band, ORION, sign copies of the Italian translation of "To Live Is To Dieā€¦" and participate in a question-and-answer session with clubgoers. The Italian branch of Metclub and Universal Records are also involved in the event, billed as "Cliff Burton Night" (see promotional video clip below).

The second event takes place at London's famed Crobar on Friday, October 2 and will feature a set by the renowned tribute band MENTALLICA. The Crobar was once hailed by FOO FIGHTERS frontman Dave Grohl as "my favorite bar anywhere" and holds a unique position in British heavy metal culture.

"To Live Is To Die: The Life And Death Of Metallica's Cliff Burton" features a foreword written by METALLICA guitarist Kirk Hammett and has been internationally praised.

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