DANZIG, DOWN, ABBATH And CRO-MAGS To Tour U.S. West Coast In March 2025

December 4, 2024

DANZIG will play a string of rare live shows on the U.S. West Coast in late March 2025. Support on the trek, which will include cities DANZIG has not played in many years, will come from DOWN, ABBATH and CRO-MAGS. Exact cities and venues will be announced later this week.

DANZIG's latest album, "Black Laden Crown", came out in May 2017 via Evilive Records/Nuclear Blast Entertainment.

Danzig released a collection of Elvis Presley covers, "Danzig Sings Elvis", in April 2020 and has been focusing on making films, including "Death Rider In The House Of Vampires" and his feature film directorial debut, "Verotika".

When it debuted at the Cinepocalypse festival in Chicago in 2019, "Verotika" was compared by some reviewers to Tommy Wiseau's "The Room", the so-bad-it's-amazing drama which is considered one of the worst movies ever made.

Glenn has been talking about the end of his touring career since at least 2015. At that time, he told Cleveland Scene: "I love being on stage and that's the great part of touring. I'll always do that. It's the bouncing around on a bus. That's the part I hate."

When DANZIG, the band, grew out of the MISFITS/SAMHAIN lineage in 1987, leader Glenn Danzig went into the new project with even grander ambitions and a long-term design. Between 1977 and 1987, the MISFITS' horror-punk morphed into the darker, occult-steeped SAMHAIN. When producer and record mogul Rick Rubin showed interest in signing SAMHAIN to his Def Jam label and producing their first record, the band yet again evolved, and DANZIG was born.

DOWN is the long-running heavy metal supergroup featuring vocalist Philip H. Anselmo, guitarist Kirk Windstein, guitarist Pepper Keenan, drummer Jimmy Bower and bassist Pat Bruders.

DOWN hasn't issued anything since the arrival of the "Down IV – Part Two" EP in May 2014.

"Down IV – Part Two" sold around 10,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release in May 2014 to debut at position No. 23 on The Billboard 200 chart.

The band's previous EP, "Down IV Part I – The Purple EP", opened with around 12,000 units in September 2012 to land at No. 35.

"Down IV – Part Two" was recorded at Nodferatu's LairAnselmo's home studio — and produced by Michael Thompson. It was released via Down Records/ADA Music.

" DANZIG will do a string of Rare Live Dates on the West Coast with Very Special Guests DOWN, Abbath & Cro-Mags in late...

Posted by Danzig on Wednesday, December 4, 2024

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