SNAPCASE: Documentary Celebrating Four Decades Of Hardcore Band's History In The Works

January 7, 2025

Fourth.Media has announced the production of "Snapcase: Legacy", the first official, feature-length documentary chronicling one of the most important bands in hardcore — SNAPCASE.

The documentary aims to chart the extraordinary four-decade history of the Buffalo band, which paved the way for so many acts that have came after. It is based on "Optic: A Visual Archive", the 2022-released book by Tom Bejgrowicz and the band.

The project will be produced by filmmakers Nathaniel Shannon and William Saunders — the team behind "Deadguy: Killing Music".

SNAPCASE established themselves as one of the most important bands of the hardcore scene in the '90s and into the '00s, with the release of the definitive "Lookinglasself" in 1993 and the game-changing, genre essential "Progression Through Unlearning" in 1997. The film explores their rise, their status as standard setters, their sonic evolution, and their continued relevance on the modern hardcore and post-hardcore scenes.

Viewers can expect a journey to Buffalo and beyond, with exclusive interviews with key figures in the hardcore scene, unreleased archival footage, live performances, and more.

If you're a SNAPCASE fan, this documentary will be a "must watch." If you were a member of the scene in the mid-to-late-'90s, prepare to be transported you your youth. If you're an enthusiast or new to the genre, this doc will serve as required coursework.

Filming began in July 2023, with live performances and interviews captured at SNAPCASE's show at Crossroads in Garwood, New Jersey. With picture lock slated for October 2025, "Snapcase: Legacy" is on track for film festival submissions, screenings, and online distribution shortly thereafter.

A Kickstarter campaign has been launched to involve the global SNAPCASE and harddcore/music communities in bringing this story to their screens.

Supporters will gain exclusive behind-the-scenes access, merchandise, and early screenings.

Go here to participate and see the tiers.

Shannon and Saunders bring decades of experience in music and documentary production. Shannon, a Michigan-born photographer and filmmaker, is celebrated for his work documenting music culture, from Detroit's punk scene to New York's Saint Vitus Bar. Saunders, a veteran of the television and film industry, brings expertise in live production, photography, and post-production, having worked on award-winning projects in the music world. Their past credits include the acclaimed documentary "Deadguy: Killing Music" and "Today Is The Day - Live in Japan". Together, they form a team dedicated to creatively capturing the raw power and impact of SNAPCASE's journey.

Fourth.Media is a New York-based production company specializing in independent documentaries, live productions, and streaming events. With a passion for storytelling, they strive to bring unique narratives to life through innovative and high-quality filmmaking.

Press photo courtesy of Atom Splitter PR

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