DEF LEPPARD Complete First Leg Of Shows With BRYAN ADAMS

June 21, 2005

DEF LEPPARD frontman Joe Elliott has posted the following message on the band's official web site:

"Well, here we are the the end of the first leg of shows with Bryan Adams. I'm sat on the back of the bus 15 minutes before we go on in Atlanta, on what was originally a day off! The thing is, we did this gig (Midtown Music Festival) two years ago and we had so much fun back then, how could we resist when they asked us for this year? Plus, Kid Rock is on the bill too and I haven't seen him since we got shitfaced in Justin Timberlake's L.A. restaurant on Kid's 34th birthday last August (ooh, you little name dropper, you!)

"Uh-oh, I just got the call, on in 10, gotta go.... later people .....

"(a day later.....)

"I pick up having just watched the Michael Jackson verdict read out on Fox News (fair and balanced, apparently).. We're in Tampa, Florida, nice and sunny so I think I'll go and catch some rays before they disappear.

"Atlanta was fun. Difficult, but fun. We got in about four hours before we went on, no sound check (usual in festival situations) and we also had to use our 'B-rig' as it was impossible to get the main touring gear there on time. Apart from a few technical gremlins, which hopefully only we noticed, it was a groovy afternoon all round. We met up with JOAN JETT & THE BLACKHEARTS for the first time since we toured together in 2000, and made tentative plans to get together again in Brooklyn, NY in a few weeks time. I watched Kid Rock from the side of the stage for most of his set, and I have to say, I thought he and his band were really good! Great to see someone with that kind of control over a crowd doing his thing.....makes me glad we do what we do! We had a quick natter after the show, wished each other well and I for one hope we cross paths again soon, because I like Kid a lot.

"So, here we are, after a 7/8 hour drive and a pretty good sleep, I'm listening to all the yap yap yap about M.J., GOD, I'M SO OVER IT! I'm off to lie in the sun, fall asleep, and hopefully wake up before my skin starts to peel.

"This is me signing off on a very welcomed day off.....

"Luv 'n' peace,

"(a few hours later.....)

"Just got back from the pool where I discovered that I had my shorts on backwards.....go figure."

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