DEF LEPPARD's PHIL COLLEN Is Latest PETA Celebrity Spokesperson
July 13, 2006World Entertainment News Network is reporting that DEF LEPPARD guitarist Phil Collen is the latest celebrity spokesperson for animal rights group People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals (PETA).
Collen hasn't eaten meat for 20 years and several of his band members are vegetarians.
Collen tells PETA's web site, "It started freaking me out eating dead body parts. The whole (cannibal serial killer) Jeffrey Dahmer fridge concept of things was weird.
"It started when I was a kid, but you know, you have that whole parent propaganda when they say, 'Oh no, you got to eat this, and it's OK,' and even when you go, 'Well, that chicken is kind of like … a dog,' and they go, 'Come on, eat, eat, eat your meat,' and I always felt kind of uncomfortable."