DEICIDE Drummer ASHEIM: 'I Say, The More Controversy, The Better'

June 22, 2006

Francisco Eguiza of Metal Storm recently conducted an interview with DEICIDE drummer Steve Asheim. A few excerpts from the question-and-answer session follow:

Metal Storm: There was actually a little lump in your trajectory, when DEICIDE released in 2001 the album "In Torment In Hell". Many people (both press and fans) responded in a bad way towards this album, then you even switched labels and some other things happened. What do you think it happened back then? And how was the band reaction about this issue?

Steve: "I think that whole period was brought on by being burnt out, but not on music or the business — just burnt out on each other. I kind of always thought we were being kept down by our record company and stuff like that, but after we did 'In Torment' and were finished with our deal and moved on to a great deal with Earache, we were still not up to 100%. By then it was obvious to me that it wasn't the record company's fault — it was us; we were sick of each other. Well, basically the Hoffmans and Glen were totally sick of and hated each other, and the quality of the band's work and the fans suffered for it."

Metal Storm: You are about to release a new album; I've heard the EP already and the structures sound darker and more complex than usual. What can everyone expect from the new full-length "The Stench of Redemption"?

Steve: "Well, the 666EP is a great taste of what's to come. Basically it will be more of the same. Epic yet accessible, complex yet catchy, fast yet rhythmic, even a slower part or two. All in all I think it's our best work, it's certainly the work I'm most proud of."

Metal Storm: You also released your first DVD recently. Was it a good experience? or was it really annoying to have cameras shooting your rehearsals and asking you annoying questions…like this one actually.

Steve: "Some people get all rockstarry and act like everything, like shooting vids and doing press is a big fucking hassle. I say, bring it on. It beats the scrubbing toilets or being a bum. Doing the DVD was great fun, so I don't know what some people's problems are. I actually can't wait to do another one, which there are definite plans for."

Metal Storm: Your music has been really controversial since DEICIDE was created. How do you see this fact? Is it a great free publicity campaign made by purists-hypocrites secretly worshiping Satan? Or is this affecting your works and tours and you hate them just for being alive?

Steve: "I say, the more controversy, the better; it's what attracts people's attention. But if that's all you have to offer, you're gonna have a pretty short ride. You've got to back up your bullshit with substance. And hey, we've been around almost 20 years; we must be doing something right."

Read the entire interview at

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