DIRTY HONEY Announces 'Mayhem And Revelry Live' Album And Video Documentary

January 15, 2025

DIRTY HONEY has announced "Mayhem And Revelry Live", the band's first live-in-concert, double-vinyl CD and digital release, and its companion four-part video documentary, recorded live throughout North America and Europe on the band's 2023-24 "Can't Find The Brakes" world tour. Set for a February 21, 2025 release (Dirt Records),the album and video capture the band's explosive energy and camaraderie with its audience and each other, and puts viewers front and center inside the barricade at the band's sixty concerts. With 16 tracks total, side one of the vinyl features recordings from the North American concerts, and the side two recordings are from the European shows.

Said DIRTY HONEY guitarist John Notto: "We are very proud to present to you this collection of live performances from around the world. Like my favorite live albums I listened to constantly as a kid, I believe this album features the band in its most honest form, feeding off the audience and walking the wire with a grin and a dash of reckless abandon that can only come from that magical place we get to onstage with you, the audience. We hope you enjoy listening to this as much as we enjoyed performing it."

"To me, live albums have always been the quintessential corner stone for any rock band's catalog," DIRTY HONEY vocalist Marc LaBelle added. "I grew up on AEROSMITH's 'A Little South Of Sanity', AC/DC's 'Live', THE [ROLLING] STONES' 'Get Your Ya-Ya's Out' and [LED] ZEPPELIN's 'How The West Was Won'. There's something beautiful about a band's unbridled live energy mixed with an audience's excitement that breathes new life into songs. The guys in the band and I have long been told 'your records are awesome, but you're even better live,' and I think that sentiment comes across loud and clear on 'Mayhem & Revelry'."

DIRTY HONEY has been touring in support of its latest album, "Can't Find The Brakes".

In April 2023, DIRTY HONEY headed to Australia to record the LP with longtime producer Nick DiDia. Unlike the band's self-titled, full-length 2019 debut, which, due to the pandemic, had to be recorded via Zoom with the band in Los Angeles and DiDia in Australia, DIRTY HONEY spent an entire month in the studio with DiDia.

The album cover art for "Can't Find The Brakes" was hand-painted by the world-renowned, Los Angeles-based graffiti artist Kelly "RISK" Gravel, who has been synonymous with the L.A. art scene for over 30 years. He was the first on the west coast to paint freight trains, freeway overpasses and signs, and the first artist in 400 years invited to paint in Michelangelo's studio.


Marc LaBelle - Vocals
John Notto - Guitars
Justin Smolian - Bass
Jaydon Bean - Drums

Photo credit: Hanane Zahrouni

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