DUFF MCKAGAN Is 'Very Satisfied' With Outcome Of GUNS N' ROSES' ROCK HALL Induction

May 10, 2012

Duff McKagan (VELVET REVOLVER, DUFF MCKAGAN'S LOADED, GUNS N' ROSES) has penned the latest installment of his column, which appears on Reverb at SeattleWeekly.com. A couple of excerpts follow below.

"Watching [the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame induction ceremony special on HBO last weekend] made me sad — for the very first time, perhaps — that the original GN'R didn't somehow stay together. It would have been a miracle if we did. If I'd known then what I know now, I would have done my part to try and rid that band of the caustic resentments and outside inputs that finally wore us down to a nub of what we once were, and what we could have come back from. Alas, it just wasn't in the cards.

"We really didn't know if we were going to play at all. It wasn't cemented until we actually rehearsed at 2 a.m. the day of the show.

"For Slash and me, it was the first time we'd played our songs with Steven Adler in something like 22 years. We had to wonder: Would it work? Would we be able to get our mojo back with only 14 hours to spare before playing in front of an audience of 7,000, and be filmed for an HBO special!?

"I couldn't have been more proud of the guys I did take the stage with that night (special thanks to guitarist Gilby Clarke and singer Myles Kennedy for their heroic, last-minute efforts). My bandmates composed themselves in the face of so much unneeded drama. We had no resentment, and showed up to pay homage to those fans who did their part for us.

"At the end of the day, I am so very satisfied about the outcome of that night in Cleveland. It was about the music that GN'R wrote way back when. And the fact that a few of us showed up to reciprocate our appreciation was certainly enough for the occasion."

Read more at SeattleWeekly.com.

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