November 13, 2009VELVET REVOLVER/ex-GUNS N' ROSES bassist Duff McKagan has penned the latest installment of his weekly column, which appears every Thursday on Reverb at SeattleWeekly.com. An excerpt follows below.
"When I first heard that John Paul Jones, Dave Grohl, and Josh Homme were forming a band last spring, I must say that I was jealous. Are you kidding me?! These three mega-talented and unique figures playing hard rock in a unified and focused group? I was excited, to say the least, from a player's perspective AND as a fan. Then came the inevitable 'supergroup' tags.
"Lazy journalists like to put a tag on anything they can in an attempt to sum up a whole genre or movement with a quick phrase that will make their job easier and take a swipe at a band in the process. You know, 'stoner rock,' 'grunge,' 'indie,' 'hair metal,' etc. 'Supergroup' conjures a negative image in my mind, and we in VELVET REVOLVER had to deal with this label in our first year. Fans never called us a supergroup, mind you, only journalists. I've heard this title being bandied about in reference to THEM CROOKED VULTURES, and I think it is a cheap way out."
Read McKagan's entire column at SeattleWeekly.com.