DUFF MCKAGAN Says New ALICE IN CHAINS Is Best Album Of Past 10 Years

April 10, 2009

The latest episode of "Talking Metal" features interviews host Mark Strigl conducted with Duff McKagan of LOADED and VELVET REVOLVER as well as Dan Lorenzo of HADES, NON-FICTION, THE CURSED, and SCREAMING METAL.

In Duff's interview, he confirms that VELVET REVOLVER has NOT yet found a singer to replace Scott Weiland. He reveals that he has heard the new ALICE IN CHAINS album and calls it the best album of the past 10 years. He also discusses Slash's book and LOADED's new album.

Additional podcast topics discussed by Mark Strigl and host John Ostronomy include "Talking Metal"'s April 12 appearance on MTV2's "Headbangers Ball", VELVET REVOLVER's singer search, and KISS's upcoming fan-routed tour.

To listen to the podcast visit www.talkingmetal.com or search "Talking Metal" on iTunes.

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