DYLAN GERS, Son Of IRON MAIDEN Guitarist JANICK GERS, Releases New Solo Single 'Fly Fly Butterfly'

May 24, 2024

Dylan Gers, the son of IRON MAIDEN guitarist Janick Gers, has released a new single, "Fly Fly Butterfly", through independent record label Sly-Tone. Written and solely performed by Dylan, with the exception of Noah Yorke, the son of RADIOHEAD frontman Thom Yorke, who drums on the track, "Fly Fly Butterfly" was mixed and recorded by Dylan.

According to a press release, the song combines "folk with a darker and more upbeat tempo to create a soundscape which invites you in to experience it over and over again, with powerful vocals pinning the melody." It is "a highly textured piece which lets you pick it apart the more you return."

Dylan says: "I really like this. I hope you do."

In November 2022, Dylan teamed up with Noah on a collaborative single, "Red Skies".

Dylan is not the first offspring of a MAIDEN member to pursue his passion for music. MAIDEN singer Bruce Dickinson's son Austin has fronted RISE TO REMAIN and AS LIONS, while his other son Griffin is the vocalist of SHVPES. MAIDEN bassist Steve Harris's son George is one of the founding guitarists of the band THE RAVEN AGE.

Janick Gers was the lead guitarist of the band WHITE SPIRIT before joining GILLAN, a group formed by then-former DEEP PURPLE vocalist Ian Gillan. After GILLAN disbanded, he played in the group GOGMAGOG (with former IRON MAIDEN singer Paul Di'Anno and drummer Clive Burr) and with various artists, including Fish of MARILLION. In 1990, he played guitar on Dickinson's first solo album, "Tattooed Millionaire". During the recording of the LP, he was asked to join MAIDEN in place of departing Adrian Smith. He has remained with the band ever since, even after Smith rejoined the band in 1999.

For more information on Dylan, follow him on Instagram.

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