January 7, 2013

Dan Swinhoe of SabotageTimes.com recently conducted an interview with former BLACK SABBATH singer Tony Martin. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.

On the reissue of BLACK SABBATH's "Eternal Idol" album, his recorded debut with the band:

Tony: "I was not a writer on 'Eternal Idol', I was just a session singer for that album. So I would not be included in the release [process] of that."

On how he looks back on the experience of being in BLACK SABBATH:

Tony: "I am 10 years younger than those guys and our circles didn't really cross, so it was a bit isolating. It doesn't mean I hated the experience; I was just completely inexperienced and they didn't have the time or the inclination to really accommodate that. It felt like they just wanted my voice and writing ability."

On his upcoming solo album, "Book Of Shadows", which is around two thirds done:

Tony: "'Book Of Shadows' got put on hold, of course, because it's a solo album and solo albums are the worst because you are too close to it and it's never perfect. But apart from that, you still have to pay the bills and so I do other projects too, and that takes me away from the solo album. But I do intend to have all those re-recorded and released."

On the SILVER HORSES project, which features Tony alongside Gianluca Galli on guitar, Andrea Castelli on bass and Matteo "Bona" Bonini and drums and was described by Tony as "beautiful bluesy stuff, a kind of LED ZEPPELIN thing":

Tony: "SILVER HORSES is dead in the water right now. It turned nasty because they tried to release it without having the rights and contracts in place, and we are fighting over the way forward. As things are, we don't have a release, but we are still working on it and maybe we can recover it, but it doesn't feel the same now."

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