EXODUS Frontman Says New GENERATION KILL Album Contains 'Good F**king Songs'

August 21, 2013

GENERATION KILL, the band featuring EXODUS frontman Rob Dukes, has inked a deal with Nuclear Blast Records. The group's sophomore album is tentatively due in November. The CD was produced by Chris "Zeuss" Harris, who has previously worked with SUICIDE SILENCE, ALL THAT REMAINS, SHADOWS FALL and SOULFLY, among others.

Commented Dukes: "I want to thank everyone at Nuclear Blast for having GENERATION KILL become part of the greatest metal family.

"GENERATION KILL has finished our new album. We used Zeuss to produce this record. He really helped us bring out things in all of us we didn't know we had.

"We all reached down and made a good record. We fought, we argued, and in the end each of us rose up to the challenge and wrote good fucking songs."

Added Zeuss: "This album is not an EXODUS clone. This is an album of music where five guys got together an explored our own roots of music, the records we grew up listening to and wrote songs paying homage to what we love."

Commented Nuclear Blast A&R manager Jaap Wagemaker: "Nuclear Blast is very amazed to announce the signing of New York thrashers GENERATION KILL!

"Already with the release of their debut, 'Red White And Blood', we knew that something special was brewing in New York!

"The band, led by frontbeast Rob Dukes from EXODUS, is playing a different kind of thrash metal, not just straight in your face, but also elements from hardcore and alternative are used, not only in the music, but also in the vocals.

"Where Rob is mostly known for his aggressive vocal style for EXODUS, you will be very surprised to hear a different side from him.

"Two months ago, when we had the chance to see the band play live as support of HEATHEN, we were blown away by the sheer power of this outfit live.

"All members have a lot of experience in playing live in several New York outlets in the past and are longtime friends, really know their music and it shows. Now the guys have finished recording their second album and we at Nuclear Blast are very impressed by the new tracks and we are very pleased to welcome GENERATION KILL as new members to the Nuclear family.

"The new record is set for a November release and the band is looking into some touring opportunities as well to promote the album live.

"GENERATION KILL is here to destroy and leave no prisoners behind!"

GENERATION KILL's debut album, "Red White And Blood", was released in September 2011. The CD was recorded at J. Rod Production Studios in New City, New York (where the vocal tracks for EXODUS' "Let There Be Blood" and OVERKILL's "Ironbound" were previously laid down).


Rob Dukes - Vocals
Rob Moschetti - Bass/Backing Vocals
Jason Trenczer - Lead Guitar
Jason Velez - Lead Guitar
James DeMaria - Drums


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