FILTER Frontman: Let's Take An Active Role In Being American

June 30, 2004

FILTER frontman Richard Patrick has posted the following message on the group's web site:

"Hey everybody! I just saw the indie movie 'Control Room', which centers around Al Jazeera's coverage of the war in Iraq. One of the more fascinating parts of the movie occurs when an Arab TV producer says that he hopes to work for FOX News someday and be able to send his kids to school in America because that's where everybody wants to be, America. Now, I haven't been very political in the past — and when I was, I was usually shitfaced, and for that I'm sorry — but I feel like it's important to remind people to go out there and vote. One of the coolest things about being an American, is the ability to have your voice heard and unfortunately not a lot of people take advantage of this great privilege. So, I want to encourage all of my fans to register to vote and make your voice heard. The time for apathy has passed. Let's make a difference by taking an active roll [sic] in being American."

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