FLOTSAM AND JETSAM Drummer Says The Group's Fans Are The Best
July 25, 2003FLOTSAM AND JETSAM drummer Craig Nielsen says that, despite the small turnouts for the group's recent gigs, he is overwhelmed by the enthusiasm displayed by the group's following, many of whom will travel hours to see the group perform live.
"Die-hard FLOTSAM fans are about the best audience, big or small, any band could ever hope for," Nielsen writes on the band's message board. "For all that has been made about the turnouts, I have been lately able to put this in better perspective since I learned from many southwest and west coast promoters how every single metal show that comes to town that's not a festival is a [fucking] sales disaster, including for many a metal bands 'bigger' than us. I wont name names but a once very big metal band very recently only pre sold 44 tickets in Las Vegas, and was cancelled. The same band drew only about 300 in their hometown. SOULFLY was averaging about 300-350 per show on a recent tour, and I could go on and on. The only shows drawing huge traffic are packages and festivals. The live club metal scene is still a shadow of its former self. As far as FLOTSAM goes, the payoff seems rewarding enough just to feel the love from however many are there. And as anyone who sees us knows this band is so [fucking] far from tired that we would feel completely confident playing with any band out right now. To quote [George] W [Bush], 'Bring 'em on.' "
As previously reported, FLOTSAM AND JETSAM will be contributing a song to the upcoming METALLICA tribute DVD currently being produced by Bob Kulick (brother of Bruce) for release through Cleopatra Records. In addition, the band filmed their appearance at the Bash On Ash in Tempe, Arizona on July 18 for their upcoming DVD, tentatively due in late 2003/early 2004 through the Cleopatra label. FLOTSAM AND JETSAM's lineup for the performance included original singer Eric A.K., who left the band in August 2001 after announcing that he was retiring from the music business.